3 tips - Hard to find legitimate online business in Canada | USA

Online business scam VS Legitimate Online business in Canada and USA

3 tips - Hard to find legitimate online business in Canada | USA

The legitimate online business

Nowadays, cybercrime is in peak. Mostly online businesses are not registered in Canada, they initially catch the eye of customers with selling low margin products. When they built the trust of people, they disappear after stealing their money with credit information. We see daily spam discounted email or even sponsored advertisement, what attracts customers with a huge discount or a lucky draw, and free stuff. Actually those company does not exist or you can say is either drop shipping business who actually charging double at price and just promoting the business of overseas companies. To pay taxes on imported products are buyer responsibilities according to all drop-shipping companies.

Best 3 easy ways to analyze the legitimacy of business: Find if the business is raining frog or scam with senseless product discount 1) Business Legal name registration history 2) Search Engine Optimized website 3) Website Registration history

  1. Business Legal Name Registration History

According to government of Canada website :

Just as consumers check to make sure a business is legitimate before they buy; you likely do the same before your business has dealings with someone new. Whether you’re looking to buy from a supplier, donate to a non-profit organization; Collaborate with another business on a project, you want to make sure you aren’t taking unnecessary risks.

If you’re dealing with a federally incorporated business; your search should be straightforward; as those businesses are listed in Corporations Canada online database. Generally, all businesses — even federally incorporated ones — have to register in the province or territory in which they do business. This includes corporations, partnerships, and sole proprietorships (except those operating under a person’s name). You may wish to seek information from the provincial registrars, some of which are available online, particularly when dealing with smaller businesses.

There are several ways you can investigate a business:

  • Look it up. Do an Internet search using whatever information you have (name, address, phone number) and visit or call to see if it is what it claims to be.
  • Put the word out on social media and look for online reviews. If the business has a presence there, someone will likely be talking about it or to its representatives.
  • Ask for references from suppliers or clients (this option may not work for a very new business with few or no previous clients).
  • Check with industry or trade organizations in your province or territory.
  • Check with the Better Business Bureau; it provides reports on businesses and charities in both Canada and the United States.

Once you’ve verified to your own satisfaction that a business exists, it is wise to proceed with caution. Before take final decision doing business with someone first time. Start with a small and less risky transaction to see how things go. Don’t feel comfortable, don’t trust. How the business operates in terms of deadlines and customer service. If you are not satisfied or something still doesn’t seem right, than you may not decide to process.

Verifying information is important in protecting your business. Find out about other ways to keep your business secure and to minimize risk.

source link : Government of Canada

2) Search Engine Optimized Websites

Verify if the website is search engine optimized or not; It is very easy to just put the website name on google.com or yahoo.com or any search engine, You will find lots of information regarding the website. So you can make an idea, regarding how much the owner of the website active.

3) Website Registration history

Website Registration history matters a lot; simple go to whois.net and put full website link you will find when the website creation; and its history or renew and server information. Please also check, the website secured or not with ssl

Note: Most legitimate websites use secure links. like “https:” shows in the address bar with a lock icon. The https website registered with all business information most of the time; but it is not necessary that the business is not raining frog business or legitimate. Every day old business shutdown and new business starts, therefor the best option to counter check Government of Canada website and check the legal name of the business on priority bases. You can also go to the provincial incorporation registry website regarding The business registration at the provincial level.

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Syed Rizwan Ali

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